Language Enabling Business APIs

Practical Adoption Patterns

Jeff Schneider
28 May 2024
10 min read

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The 5 Practical Adoption Patterns

Today, the business world is moving at an increasingly fast pace, and companies are looking for new and definitive solutions to streamline workflows. Large Language Models (LLMs) are changing the game by enabling smooth task progression through natural language prompts.

  1. Serial Prompting for Business Workflows: Improving task flow with natural language prompts.
  2. English as the Orchestration Language: Simplifying business automation through natural language.
  3. Published Assistants: Using specialized AI tools for specific tasks.
  4. Generative UI: Transforming how we interact with technology.
  5. Conversational Agent Ready Enterprise (CARE): A hybrid approach to AI adoption.

These examples demonstrate how LLMs are reshaping business operations, opening new doors for efficiency and innovation. Learn how these advancements are setting the stage for the future of work.

Use Case 1

Serial Prompting for Business Workflows

In the ever-evolving landscape of business technology, the advent of conversational workflows powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) marks a significant milestone. These advanced AI systems, capable of understanding and generating human-like text, are revolutionizing the way we approach work tasks. By enabling users to interact with business applications through natural language prompts, LLMs facilitate an instinctive progression from one problem to the next, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow.

Avoid Interruptions in your Flow

Our goal is for the AI to offer a smooth flow between different tasks, similar to how your own thoughts naturally flow from one thing to the next in a stream of consciousness. The AI has a memory that allows it to carry information from one step to the next without losing track of what's going on. When these AI models are connected to business apps, they can grab data, make changes, run commands, and even offer suggestions - all without disrupting your workflow. Now, you can easily move between tasks without skipping a beat, just like you would in your own mind.

Knowledge Gaps Disrupt the Flow

Despite the impressive capabilities of LLMs, knowledge gaps can significantly disrupt the seamless flow of work. When an LLM lacks access to the appropriate tools or APIs, it can fail to retrieve or process the necessary information, leading to interruptions in the user's momentum. For instance, if a user is navigating through a series of tasks and suddenly encounters a situation where the LLM cannot access a critical database or execute a specific command due to missing API integrations, the intuitive progression is abruptly halted. This disruption not only frustrates the user but also undermines the efficiency gains that the LLM is supposed to provide. Ensuring comprehensive API integration and access to relevant tools is crucial for maintaining an uninterrupted and instinctive workflow, thereby preserving the fluidity and effectiveness of the user's experience.

Integrating APIs for a Unified Work Experience

APIs play a crucial role in connecting LLMs with various business applications, creating a unified and instinctive user experience. By leveraging APIs, LLMs can access data from different sources, perform complex operations, and present the results in a coherent manner. For example, a marketing team can use an LLM to pull data from social media analytics, CRM systems, and email marketing platforms to generate comprehensive campaign reports. This integration not only streamlines the workflow but also ensures that all relevant information is readily available at the user's fingertips.

Overcoming Challenges: Ensuring a Smooth Instinctive Progression

While the benefits of LLM-driven workflows are clear, there are challenges that organizations must address to ensure a smooth implementation. One major concern is data privacy and security, as LLMs require access to sensitive information to function effectively. Organizations must implement robust security measures to protect data and comply with regulations. Additionally, there may be resistance to change from employees accustomed to traditional workflows. Providing adequate training and demonstrating the tangible benefits of LLMs can help mitigate this resistance and foster acceptance.

The Future of Work: Predictions and Possibilities

The integration of LLMs into business workflows is just the beginning. As these models continue to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated and intuitive interactions. Future developments may include enhanced contextual understanding, real-time language translation, and deeper integration with emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). These advancements will further transform the way we work, making processes more efficient and enabling new possibilities for innovation.

Conclusion: Empowering Employees with the Right Data and Application Interfaces

To ensure an uninterrupted journey and enable employees to engage in successive, instinct-driven prompting to solve problems, it is essential to empower them with the right data and application interfaces (APIs). When LLMs are fully integrated with all necessary tools and databases, they can seamlessly retrieve and process information, allowing users to maintain their momentum. Without these integrations, knowledge gaps can arise, causing the LLM to falter and disrupting the intuitive flow of work. By providing comprehensive API access and ensuring that LLMs are equipped with the relevant data, organizations can preserve the fluidity of the workflow, enhancing both efficiency and user satisfaction. This approach ensures that employees can continue to move effortlessly from one task to the next, leveraging the full potential of instinctive progression to achieve their goals.

Use Case 2

English as the Orchestration Language: Revolutionizing Business Automation

The ability to automate complex business processes has long been the holy grail of organizational efficiency. With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and language-enabled APIs, we are now on the cusp of a revolution in business automation. The game-changing potential of using natural language to describe business problems and automate solutions is poised to transform the way organizations operate.

The Limitations of Traditional Automation

Historically, automating business processes has required significant technical expertise and resources. This has limited the ability of non-technical business users to create and manage their own workflows, relying instead on IT departments or external vendors. The introduction of low-code and no-code solutions has helped to bridge this gap, but even these platforms have their limitations.

The Power of Natural Language Automation

The emergence of LLMs has enabled business users to describe their problems in natural language, and the system can understand and perform the necessary automation. This capability empowers users to create and manage their own workflows, without needing extensive technical knowledge. By leveraging the power of LLMs and language-enabled APIs, organizations can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

  1. Accessibility: With natural language interfaces, a broader range of employees can contribute to the automation of business processes, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative work environment.
  2. Efficiency: The time and effort required to translate business requirements into technical specifications are significantly reduced, accelerating the development cycle and time-to-market for new solutions.
  3. Agility: Businesses can more swiftly adapt their workflows to changing market conditions, regulatory requirements, and customer needs, maintaining a competitive edge.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Reducing the reliance on specialized technical resources for automation tasks can lead to substantial cost savings and a better allocation of human capital.

The Future of Business Automation

The implications of using natural language to automate business processes are far-reaching. With the ability to describe business problems in English (or any other language), users can focus on the logic of the process, rather than the technical implementation. This shift has the potential to unlock a new era of innovation and efficiency, as business users are empowered to create and manage their own workflows. As we look to the future, the possibilities are endless, and the benefits of English as the orchestration language are clear: increased productivity, reduced costs, and a new era of business agility.


The ability to use natural language to automate business processes is a groundbreaking development, with the potential to transform the way organizations operate. By empowering business users to create and manage their own workflows, we can unlock a new era of innovation and efficiency. As we continue to explore the potential of LLMs and language-enabled APIs, one thing is clear: the future of business automation has never looked brighter.

Use Case 3

Unleashing the Potential of Published Assistants

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, a new class of tools has emerged that is poised to revolutionize how we approach specialized tasks and domains. These are known as Published Assistants, and they represent a significant leap forward in the integration of language models with tailored knowledge and capabilities.

Defining Published Assistants

Published Assistants are AI-powered tools that combine the versatility of language models with customized system prompts, access to relevant files, and integration with external APIs. This unique fusion allows these assistants to develop a deep understanding of specific domains, such as human resources, marketing, or finance, enabling them to provide accurate, relevant, and contextual responses.

Creators and Adopters

The development and utilization of Published Assistants span a diverse range of individuals and organizations. From entrepreneurs and small businesses to large enterprises and industry leaders, these specialized AI tools are being leveraged to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive innovation. As the demand for domain-specific expertise grows, the creation and sharing of Published Assistants have become increasingly prevalent, with platforms emerging to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The Anatomy of Published Assistants

The core of a Published Assistant lies in the integration of a language model with carefully crafted system prompts, curated data sources, and seamless API integration. By providing the assistant with detailed instructions, relevant files, and access to external services, users can shape its knowledge, behavior, and capabilities to align with their specific needs. This tailored approach allows Published Assistants to excel in their areas of expertise, offering unparalleled insights and problem-solving abilities.

The Transformative Power of API Integration

Access to external APIs is a crucial component of Published Assistants, as it enables them to retrieve information, perform tasks, and interact with a wide range of services. This integration expands the assistant's capabilities beyond the confines of the language model, allowing it to engage in data analysis, process complex queries, and even automate specific workflows. By leveraging these API-driven functionalities, Published Assistants can become indispensable tools in various industries and applications.

The Benefits of Published Assistants

The adoption of Published Assistants offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  1. Domain Expertise: These assistants develop a deep understanding of specific domains, providing users with accurate and relevant information tailored to their needs.
  2. Personalized Experience: Published Assistants can be customized to align with individual preferences, workflows, and use cases, enhancing productivity and user satisfaction.
  3. Enhanced Capabilities: Through API integration, Published Assistants can perform a diverse range of tasks, from data analysis to process automation, expanding their utility.
  4. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: The ability to share Published Assistants facilitates knowledge exchange, enabling organizations and communities to leverage collective expertise.


The emergence of Published Assistants represents a significant milestone in the evolution of artificial intelligence. By seamlessly integrating language models with domain-specific knowledge and capabilities, these tools are poised to transform the way we approach specialized tasks and challenges. As the development and adoption of Published Assistants continue to grow, we can expect to see a profound impact on various industries, driving innovation, improving efficiency, and unlocking new possibilities for individuals and organizations alike.

Use Case 4

Generative AI: Revolutionizing User Interaction Paradigms

The advent of generative AI has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, giving rise to innovative user interaction paradigms that are transforming the way we live and work. From voice assistants to video interfaces, avatars, personal devices, and kiosks, the possibilities are endless. As we embark on this exciting journey, it's essential to recognize that these new interfaces must seamlessly integrate with backend applications that communicate via APIs.

The Multifaceted Nature of User Interaction

The beauty of these emerging interfaces lies in their versatility. Employees, partners, and customers can engage with them in various settings, whether sitting at their desk, on-the-go in their car, or in remote locations like warehouses. The flexibility and accessibility of these interfaces will redefine how we collaborate, communicate, and access information.

The Importance of API Integration

However, as we embrace these innovative interfaces, it's crucial to remember that they must converse with business applications to unlock their full potential. APIs will play a vital role in facilitating this conversation, enabling the seamless exchange of data and insights between the user interface and backend systems. This integration will empower users to access critical information, perform tasks efficiently, and make informed decisions.

The Future of Work and Beyond

As we step into this new era of user interaction, we can expect to see:

  • Enhanced Productivity: Employees will be able to work more efficiently, accessing information and completing tasks with ease, regardless of their location or device.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Customers will enjoy personalized, intuitive interactions that provide instant access to information and services, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.
  • New Business Opportunities: The convergence of AI, APIs, and innovative interfaces will give rise to novel business models, revenue streams, and partnerships.

The Exciting Road Ahead

As we venture into this uncharted territory, it's essential to acknowledge the immense potential of generative AI and its impact on user interaction. By embracing these new interfaces and ensuring seamless integration with backend applications, we'll unlock a future where technology empowers us to work smarter, live better, and explore new possibilities.

The Call to Action

As we embark on this transformative journey, it's crucial to prioritize the development of APIs that can support the diverse range of new interfaces. By doing so, we'll create a harmonious ecosystem where innovative interfaces and backend applications converge, unlocking a new era of productivity, innovation, and growth.

Use Case 5

Conversational Agent Ready Enterprise (CARE): A Hybrid Approach to AI Adoption

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of AI agents in enhancing operational efficiency and customer engagement. However, the challenge lies in effectively integrating these agents into existing business processes. Enter Conversational Agent Ready Enterprise (CARE), a strategic framework that advocates for a dual-pronged approach to AI adoption: an incremental bottoms-up strategy complemented by a comprehensive top-down methodology.

The Bottoms-Up Approach: Building from the Ground Up

The incremental bottoms-up approach focuses on gradually incorporating AI agents into specific business functions. This method allows for a controlled and measured integration, ensuring that each AI agent is tailored to the unique needs of its designated function. By starting small and expanding incrementally, businesses can mitigate risks, gather valuable feedback, and make necessary adjustments before scaling up.

Key Benefits of the Bottoms-Up Approach:

  • Risk Mitigation: By starting with smaller, manageable projects, businesses can identify potential issues early and address them promptly.
  • Customization: AI agents can be fine-tuned to meet the specific requirements of individual business functions.
  • Scalability: Successful implementations can be scaled up across the organization, ensuring a smooth transition.

The Top-Down Approach: A Strategic Overview

While the bottoms-up approach lays the groundwork, the top-down methodology provides a strategic overview that ensures cohesive integration across the enterprise. This approach involves a thorough examination of business functions such as Human Resources (HR), marketing, finance, and operations. The goal is to create an inventory of the domain's assets, including applications, datasets, and APIs, and map these assets to the relevant business functions and AI agents.

Steps in the Top-Down Approach:
  1. Inventory Creation: Compile a comprehensive list of applications, datasets, and APIs across all business functions.
  2. Mapping: Establish a clear map that links business functions to their corresponding applications, APIs, and the AI agents that will manage them.
  3. Integration Planning: Develop a strategic plan for integrating AI agents into each business function, ensuring alignment with overall business goals.

Synergy Between Bottoms-Up and Top-Down Approaches

The true strength of CARE lies in the synergy between the bottoms-up and top-down approaches. While the bottoms-up strategy focuses on detailed, function-specific implementation, the top-down approach ensures that these efforts are aligned with the broader organizational strategy. This dual-pronged approach ensures that AI integration is both comprehensive and cohesive.

Advantages of a Combined Approach:
  1. Holistic Integration: Ensures that AI agents are seamlessly integrated across all business functions.
  2. Strategic Alignment: Aligns AI initiatives with overall business objectives, enhancing coherence and effectiveness.
  3. Resource Optimization: Efficiently utilizes existing assets, reducing redundancy and maximizing value.


The Conversational Agent Ready Enterprise (CARE) framework offers a robust solution for businesses looking to harness the power of AI agents. By combining an incremental bottoms-up approach with a strategic top-down methodology, CARE ensures that AI integration is both effective and aligned with organizational goals. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of AI adoption, CARE provides a clear and comprehensive roadmap for achieving success.